[Must-See] 10 Techniques for Business Improvement Using ChatGPT


I am Kakeya, the representative of Scuti Jsc.

At Scuti, we specialize in offshore and lab-based development in Vietnam, leveraging the power of generative AI. Our services include not only development but also comprehensive generative AI consulting. Recently, we have been privileged to receive numerous requests for system development integrated with generative AI, reflecting the growing demand for innovative AI-driven solutions.

Since the advent of ChatGPT, business automation and efficiency have entered a new phase. Many companies have started using it, resulting in improved business speed and quality. So, what are the specific business applications of ChatGPT?

In this article, we will highlight 10 cases from different industries to reveal how ChatGPT is improving business processes. Business people considering introducing ChatGPT should definitely take this as a reference.

Overview of Business Efficiency with ChatGPT

Basics of Introducing ChatGPT and Business Efficiency

Introducing ChatGPT into business operations can significantly increase efficiency.

ChatGPT is an AI that uses natural language processing technology, making it versatile for various tasks. Some specific applications include automated inquiry responses and data analysis. For example, in customer support, ChatGPT can act as a chatbot, reducing the workload on employees and enabling quick responses.

From a business efficiency standpoint, ChatGPT uses prompts to facilitate streamlined operations. A prompt is an instruction given to the AI, allowing it to quickly retrieve the necessary information. For instance, when creating sales reports, you can enter a specific format as a prompt, and the AI will automatically generate the report. This approach significantly reduces manual tasks, allowing for more effective use of time.

Additionally, a major advantage of ChatGPT is its 24-hour availability. Even during times when human employees cannot respond, the AI can continue working without interruption, greatly enhancing business efficiency. This leads to improved customer satisfaction and smoother business operations.

Therefore, the introduction of ChatGPT offers significant benefits for companies. As a tool for providing high-quality services while streamlining business processes, ChatGPT will play an increasingly important role in the future.

Use Cases and Outcomes of ChatGPT in Companies

ChatGPT contributes to the efficiency of business processes in many companies.

◉ Customer Support 

By introducing chatbots utilizing ChatGPT, companies can respond to customer inquiries quickly and accurately. For example, an e-commerce company implemented a system that handles questions about order status and return procedures 24/7, significantly improving the efficiency of customer support.

◉ Marketing 

ChatGPT can be used for generating campaign ideas and analyzing target markets. It analyzes large amounts of data to propose optimal marketing strategies. For example, an advertising agency can use ChatGPT to analyze past campaign data and predict the success rate of future campaigns, helping them devise more effective measures.

◉ Human Resources 

In the human resources department, ChatGPT is used to automate the creation of job postings and the screening of applicants’ resumes, speeding up the hiring process. As a result, HR personnel can focus on strategic tasks, thereby improving overall business efficiency.

◉ Research and Development Department 

ChatGPT is used to generate new ideas and summarize technical documents. For example, a pharmaceutical company utilizes ChatGPT to gather and analyze information, accelerating the drug development process and successfully shortening the development period.

In this way, ChatGPT enhances efficiency and performance across various tasks. For companies aiming to automate business processes and improve quality, ChatGPT is becoming an indispensable tool. Its introduction into future business operations will lead to further competitive advantages.

ChatGPT Transforming Business Processes

ChatGPT is fundamentally transforming business processes by bringing efficiency and innovation to many companies.

◉ Automation of Tasks 

ChatGPT uses natural language processing technology to automate simple tasks like inquiry responses and data entry, freeing up employees to focus on more creative tasks. Here’s an example:

In customer support, ChatGPT can function as a 24-hour chatbot, providing rapid responses to customer inquiries and improving satisfaction.

◉ Decision-Making Support 

ChatGPT analyzes large amounts of data and provides insights to support executive decision-making. For example, it can predict market trends and propose optimal strategies, enhancing a company’s competitiveness. One specific example is a company using ChatGPT for competitive analysis to quickly determine the direction of product development.

◉ Efficiency in Document Creation 

ChatGPT is used to automatically generate meeting minutes and reports, reducing the workload on employees. For example, in the sales department, ChatGPT can automatically generate records of business negotiations, allowing for efficient sharing and improving overall team productivity.

In this way, ChatGPT demonstrates its capabilities across various fields, enhancing business processes. By adopting ChatGPT, companies can not only increase the efficiency of tasks but also improve the quality of strategic decision-making. As ChatGPT technology continues to evolve, the way business is conducted is expected to change significantly.

10 Use Cases of ChatGPT in Business

1. Time Reduction Achieved Through Automated Email Responses 

By utilizing ChatGPT, it is possible to automate email responses, resulting in significant time savings.

Firstly, implementing an automated email response system greatly reduces the response time for daily inquiries and simple confirmations. For example, it can automatically send responses to frequently asked questions (FAQs) or order confirmation emails. This allows employees to focus on more important tasks.

An IT company has introduced an email automated response system using ChatGPT. This system automatically sends appropriate responses to technical support inquiries from customers. As a result, the need for staff to manually respond to each email is eliminated, improving response speed and ensuring consistent response quality.

Furthermore, in the sales department, automated email responses using ChatGPT have shown significant benefits. Rapid responses to new inquiries can maintain customer interest and prevent missed business opportunities. For instance, automatically sending information emails about products or services allows for quick follow-up, contributing to increased conversion rates.

ChatGPT is also useful for internal communication. For example, it can automatically distribute internal notices and meeting agendas, facilitating smooth information sharing among employees. Thus, the introduction of automated email responses not only saves time but also improves overall business efficiency.

2. Efficient Meeting Management: Automatic Summarization and Task Organization

By utilizing ChatGPT, meeting management efficiency can be significantly improved.

The automatic summarization feature of meetings greatly reduces the effort of creating minutes. By analyzing the content of the meeting in real-time and extracting important points, concise minutes can be quickly created. For example, summaries are distributed immediately after the meeting, making it easy for all participants to share information.

A large company has implemented an automatic meeting summarization system using ChatGPT. This system analyzes the speech during meetings in real-time and automatically summarizes important decisions and action items. As a result, the time required to create minutes manually has been significantly reduced, and errors have decreased.

Next, task organization efficiency is enhanced. Tasks decided during the meeting are automatically organized and appropriately assigned to each responsible person, ensuring smooth progress of subsequent tasks. For instance, by integrating with project management tools, tasks decided in the meeting are automatically entered and distributed, reducing the effort required for task management.

An IT company has introduced a task organization system using ChatGPT, which automatically reflects action items from the meeting into project management tools. This system clarifies tasks immediately after the meeting, enabling responsible individuals to take prompt action, thereby accelerating project progress.

Furthermore, ChatGPT is useful in meeting preparation. For example, by analyzing past meeting records and automatically creating the agenda for the next meeting, preparation time is shortened. In this way, leveraging ChatGPT throughout the entire meeting process significantly improves work efficiency.

3. High-Speed Document Generation and Quality Improvement

ChatGPT demonstrates excellent capabilities in high-speed document generation, greatly contributing to business efficiency.

Firstly, speeding up document generation allows employees to focus on more important tasks. For example, assigning the creation of daily reports and meeting minutes to ChatGPT can significantly reduce working time. This allows resources to be allocated to other strategic tasks.

A financial institution uses ChatGPT to automatically generate regular market analysis reports. This system completes reports that previously took several hours in just a few minutes. Additionally, ChatGPT incorporates the latest market data in real-time and provides high-quality reports with analysis results. This enhances the reliability and usefulness of the reports, thereby improving the quality of management decisions.

From a quality improvement perspective, ChatGPT is a powerful tool for maintaining consistency and accuracy in documents. For instance, in creating technical documents or manuals, it automatically standardizes terminology and formats. This uniformity improves the quality of documents, making them easier for readers to understand.

Moreover, ChatGPT can be utilized for proofreading and editing documents. The automatic proofreading function quickly corrects grammatical and spelling errors, enhancing overall quality. For example, a publishing company uses ChatGPT for initial proofreading of manuscripts, reducing the burden on editors. This improves the efficiency of the entire editing process, shortening the time to publication.

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4. AI-Powered Customer Support and Its Response Improvement

Customer support utilizing ChatGPT greatly contributes to the efficiency and quality of customer interactions.

Firstly, AI-based automated response systems can handle customer inquiries 24/7, improving customer satisfaction. This allows for responses during night time and holidays, ensuring customers can always access the information they need.

A telecommunications company has introduced a customer support chatbot using ChatGPT. This system can quickly respond to common questions such as contract details and billing inquiries. As a result, the burden on customer support staff is reduced, allowing them to focus on more complex issues and inquiries that require advanced support.

Furthermore, from the perspective of response improvement through AI, ChatGPT can continuously learn and improve. By training based on customer feedback, it enhances the quality of responses, providing more accurate and satisfactory answers. For example, using natural language processing technology, it can accurately understand customer intent and provide optimal responses.

Additionally, ChatGPT excels in multilingual support. This enables consistent high-quality support for global customers. A multinational company has implemented ChatGPT, which supports multiple languages, allowing for prompt and appropriate responses to customers in different regions. This not only improves customer satisfaction but also reduces support costs.

5. Automation and Efficiency of Data Entry

Utilizing ChatGPT enables the automation and efficiency of data entry processes.

Firstly, automating data entry significantly reduces manual data processing. This leads to fewer errors and allows for more accurate data management. For instance, by assigning ChatGPT to handle customer information and transaction data entry, data can be processed quickly and accurately, improving operational efficiency.

A certain insurance company uses ChatGPT to automate data entry for new contracts. This system automatically reflects the information entered by customers into online forms into the system, eliminating the need for manual data entry by staff. As a result, the speed of data entry has greatly improved, and the time required for contract processing has been shortened.

Furthermore, ChatGPT contributes to data entry efficiency. For example, it can automatically extract data from standardized forms and reports and enter it into the system. This significantly reduces the time spent on daily routine tasks. A logistics company uses ChatGPT for entering delivery information, improving data processing efficiency. This allows employees to focus on other important tasks, enhancing overall operational efficiency.

Additionally, improvements in data entry accuracy can be expected. ChatGPT has the ability to automatically detect and correct erroneous data entries. For instance, a financial institution uses ChatGPT to input and verify transaction data, ensuring data accuracy. Improved data quality positively impacts subsequent business processes.

6. Generating Ideas

ChatGPT is extremely useful for organizing ideas and generating new concepts. The reason for this is that well-crafted prompts can elicit specific ideas and plans.

For example, a simple question like “Think of a promotion plan for health foods” will yield general answers, but if the target is specifically set to “people aged 50 to 70 who feel their physical strength is declining,” you can get concrete proposals such as events for the elderly or design changes.

Additionally, by specifying the purpose in the prompt, you can get more specific plans such as referral programs for acquiring new customers or sharing experiences on social media.

Furthermore, instructing the output to be in table format can provide neatly organized ideas. In this way, using ChatGPT can quickly generate many useful ideas, contributing to improved operational efficiency.

7. Programming Support: Code Generation and Optimization

ChatGPT is highly effective in supporting programming, assisting developers in both code generation and optimization.

Firstly, regarding the efficiency of code generation, ChatGPT can automatically generate the necessary code based on natural language requests. This allows developers to save time and focus on more complex tasks. For example, when adding a new feature, developers can have ChatGPT generate the basic code structure and then concentrate on fine-tuning the details.

A specific case is a startup company that uses ChatGPT for generating prototype code. By simply inputting the requirements, code with a basic structure is instantly generated, significantly shortening the development cycle. This enables rapid market entry, enhancing competitiveness.

Next, regarding code optimization. ChatGPT can analyze existing code and propose efficient algorithms and design patterns. This can lead to improved performance and reduced bugs. For example, ChatGPT can identify redundant code and replace it with optimized code, enhancing processing speed.

A software development company uses ChatGPT for code reviews. ChatGPT analyzes the code and provides suggestions for performance improvements and security enhancements. This allows developers to create higher-quality code quickly, improving the reliability of the software.

Additionally, ChatGPT assists with interpreting error messages and debugging. It offers tips and solutions to quickly resolve errors and issues faced by developers. For instance, by inputting an error message, ChatGPT can identify the cause of the problem and suggest specific fixes. This smooths the development process and prevents time wastage.

Thus, programming support with ChatGPT significantly enhances developers’ efficiency through code generation and optimization. Companies can leverage this technology to achieve rapid and high-quality software development, strengthening their competitive edge.

8. Speeding Up Market Analysis and Research

By leveraging ChatGPT, the processes of market analysis and research can be significantly streamlined.

Firstly, ChatGPT’s ability to quickly collect and analyze vast amounts of data is notable. It can scan publicly available data on the internet as well as internal databases to extract the necessary information. This capability enables research tasks that used to take several days to be completed in just a few hours.

A market research company uses ChatGPT for competitive analysis. This system collects real-time information on competitors’ products and market trends and automatically generates analysis reports. As a result, the company can formulate strategies to quickly respond to market changes, enhancing the competitiveness of client companies.

Furthermore, ChatGPT excels in organizing and visualizing data. For example, it can automatically generate graphs and charts from the collected data. This functionality allows for clear communication of information to management and clients, speeding up decision-making processes. A consulting firm uses ChatGPT to visualize market research results and efficiently create presentation materials.

Moreover, ChatGPT is also useful for trend analysis. By using past data to analyze current market trends and make future predictions, it supports the formulation of business strategies. For example, a fashion brand uses ChatGPT to analyze consumer purchasing trends and incorporate the findings into planning the next season’s collection. In this way, data-driven strategic decision-making becomes possible, increasing the likelihood of business success.

Additionally, ChatGPT automates the creation of research reports. Based on the research results, it can quickly create comprehensive analysis reports and share them with relevant parties. An advertising agency, for instance, uses ChatGPT to automatically generate campaign effectiveness reports and provide quick feedback to clients.

9. Using Prompts for Problem Solving

There are many advantages to using ChatGPT for problem-solving.

First, ChatGPT processes vast amounts of data quickly and provides unbiased analysis. This allows for identifying the core of the problem and finding solutions from multiple perspectives.

One particularly effective method for problem-solving is the “5 Whys” analysis. This technique involves asking “Why?” five times to explore the cause of a problem. By using ChatGPT, this process can be carried out efficiently. For example, if product sales decline, asking ChatGPT about the causes will result in analyzing relevant data and presenting multiple reasons. This enables the rapid identification of the root cause and the implementation of appropriate measures.

Furthermore, ChatGPT not only proposes specific solutions but also provides the data and trends behind these suggestions. This increases the reliability of the proposals and makes it easier to develop feasible strategies. For instance, when formulating a new marketing strategy, specific advice based on past success stories and market trends can be obtained.

However, there are some points to consider when using ChatGPT. The analysis results from AI are only one reference and are not perfect. Since AI cannot fully understand human emotions and nuances, human experience and knowledge are required for final decisions. Additionally, ChatGPT may not be flexible enough to handle new problems or complex situations. Therefore, it is important not to blindly trust the results from ChatGPT but to apply your own judgment.

10. AI-Powered Automatic Updates for Training and Educational Materials

By leveraging ChatGPT, it is possible to automate the updating of training and educational materials, quickly reflecting the latest information.

Firstly, the automatic updating function provided by AI helps improve the quality of employee training. ChatGPT continuously incorporates the latest industry trends and technical information to update educational materials. This allows employees to always learn the latest knowledge, contributing to the overall skill enhancement of the company.

An IT company uses ChatGPT to automatically update technical training materials. This system regularly collects information on new programming languages and frameworks and reflects it in the training materials. As a result, employees can continually learn the latest technological trends and acquire skills that are directly applicable to their work.

Moreover, ChatGPT references not only the company’s internal documents but also reliable external information sources. This enriches the content of educational materials and provides a broad range of knowledge. For example, in healthcare institutions, ChatGPT is used to incorporate the latest medical guidelines and research findings into educational materials, benefiting the training of doctors and nurses.

Furthermore, ChatGPT can analyze the learning progress and understanding level of each employee and provide customized training materials tailored to individual needs. This enhances the effectiveness of training and accelerates the improvement of employee skills. For instance, a manufacturing company uses ChatGPT to create optimized training programs for each individual based on their past learning data.

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